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5 Tips for choosing an Event Filming Company

1. Are the Event Filming Company experienced in conference filming and conference recording? We should suggest you make sure that events work is their primary work, do they regularly film events? Ask if they can provide 2, 3 or more HD cameras and a vision mixer if required as this will tell your how scaleable they are. An event filming production company should have these resources available ‘in house’. Many small video companies will outsource anything beyond a 1 or 2 camera shoot, this approach is likely to increase your costs considerably.

2. Ask how the conference filming company intends to record your event? Relying on the in-built camera microphones for sound will result in inferior audio on your conference videos. Your chosen filming company should either be taking a feed directly from the venue sound system or installing their own independent microphones to record the lectern & stage audio. What cameras are they using? If they look like Digital SLR type stills cameras then avoid them as these cameras do not have smooth zoom lenses.

3. Don’t leave the editing till after the event, book it at the same time. The editing process can cost significantly more than filming if not planned correctly! If you plan to include multiple slide presentations in your event or talk then there are a number of ways we can reduce post production costs.

4. Ask to see examples of their previous conference filming work. Is it clear HD video with good sound and are the PowerPoint slides sharp and legible? Ask the supplier to provide testimonials from previous clients if they are not already on show on their website.

5. Provide a full detailed brief for the company to quote against. The more info you give them the more accurate the quote will be. Are you looking for the whole event to be provided in real time or a short promotional overview/highlights video? Include all the event details, location, number of speakers, running time and a little background about the type of event you are arranging. If your presenters will have PowerPoint or other content on the day that needs to be in the final videos mention this too. Explain what you want to use the finished conference videos for? i.e training post event, uploading to your company or organisations website or YouTube channel. A good conference filming company like solo16 will then be able to provide an accurate quote with various options for you to consider.

Give solo16 a call today to discuss your event needs or drop us an email.


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